Saturday, June 9, 2007

heading.... for this crap ?

random meanness and blandness
combined with chemical soothness
with rigorous frustration and emptyness

is this the way.. or is this not the way...
did it go wrong or did it go right
am i confused or am i over doing

pen the whole thing and you get out
of the empty unknown ignorance
and the frantic incoherent tolerance

and the whole thing is not a big rotten apple
which falls on your head from where
you derive gravity

this is not a poetry
but a result of two bottles of beer
and one large mc dowells whisky

paid from my own pocket
for celebrating a week of meaninglessness

and did i make any life out of this
whole day which went haywire
and this whole un-known un deteered

blah blah blah
good night

1 comment:

Tech said...

hmm.. Good one dude... Confused whether it is crap or a good thinking.... :)