Tuesday, February 26, 2008

A semi logical observation about God and Love

I think I understand a little why there is the divine
For I feel that apart from the survival and reproductive instincts
human mind has subtle parts which can feel and generate love
love which is not amorous, which is neither attached to a blood relation nor attached to a reason
and there are various ways this could be touched upon
certain music, certain poetry, prayer, a place, a mass pilgrimage and any such act
can touch the area of mind which is supposed to link to the above mentioned aspect of love
that could be the reason why so many people shed tears or become emotional when they are in a holy place or with holy company
Now there is an intelligent design, or an evolution based on an intellegent design for evolution, or something which has left this particular
part of human psych intact, which could mean that the design of evolution could be directed to or originated from something called the divine... maybe...
For a perfectly logical mind, which is like a computer, an infinitely complex logical machine, there is no need for such a feeling and there is no attraction towards such a feeling too...
the argument by far says that god is a very very emotional concept and so is love and a logical mind which would consider emotions as secondary would never need a god or need not accept a god....
well i guess i am very less expressive in this realm... but i guess it cannot be expressed...
it is something which has to happen...
it just has to happen.. and i wish some day it will happen to me...

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